I think that all of you teens who attend my programs know how I feel about bullying. I hate it. I think anyone who's ever been the subject of bullying hates it and we don't need to live in a world where people are mocked, belittled and/or abused for being who they are. This is 2010, we are living in the future, and we may not have flying cars or time travel (YET) but we should be able to be kind to our fellow human beings. ANYway, off my soapbox. This was all leading to showcasing this website that aims to stop cyber-bullying: Say It 2 My Face
Here's a little from their "about" page:
Too often, people view the cyber world as a world in which you can do anything and more relevantly, say anything. People, especially adolescents, inappropriately utilize the cyber realm as a cop out to send messages that they'd never say to some ones face. People assume that they can use derogatory language or broadcast hateful messages against their peers without any consequences. Given recent events, it is likely that if people stopped to think about the possible life-ending result of their actions they would have acted differently, or better yet, not at all.
If you have a chance, check it out. Become their friend on facebook. Take the pledge when it's available. Just do what you can to make this world the better place, we all know it can be!
Here's the best trailer for Coraline so far. And it's actually Neil Gaiman's (he wrote the book) favorite! The movie comes out February 6th and I'll definitely be seeing it that weekend, so if you want to see it with me let me know and we can get a group of people to see it together! I know Kathleen and Mallory are already on board! dftba, Sti