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Showing posts from January, 2016

2016 Reading Resolutions

Speaking of resolutions for 2016, here's are my Reading Resolutions (which I take both very seriously and not seriously at all).  Do you have book related resolutions for 2016? Share them in the comments!

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies!

Hey there! Long time, no write. I think one of my resolutions for 2016 is to blog here more often. I wanted to post something really quickly about an opportunity I have for my young adults to see an advance screening of a really fun movie. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is a great movie if you like Jane Austen and/or zombies. Seriously, you don't need to have read the original books (either Pride and Prejudice (though you REALLY should so we can be better friends) or Pride and Prejudice and Zombies ) to enjoy this film. It's a perfect blend of humor, romance, and gore. Seriously. I made a video review about it:  If this sounds like a movie you'd like to see (FOR FREE) on Wednesday January 20th, here is the link for the RSVP: DFTBA, Sti