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Reichenbach Ball, March Madness and Poetry approach!

Hey all!

Thought I should dust off the blog and talk about our plans for this Spring!

As usual, we've got Video Games every Tuesday (4:30-5:30), Teen Advisory Group Meetings every Wednesday (4:30-5:30), and crafts every Friday (4:30-5:30). 

But we've got a few special things in store for you as well! Starting with...

The Reichenbach Ball

Do you watch the BBC series Sherlock? If you haven't heard of it, let me tell you all about it! It's a modern adaptation of Sherlock Holmes, and it is fantastic. Seriously. We're big fans of it here at the library, and, with the conclusion of third season the Teen Advisory Group decided we needed a celebration that was all Sherlock! We're calling it The Reichenbach Ball and it is going to be excellent. On Saturday February 8th from 6:00-8:00 we'll be meeting at the library dressed in our finest (or cosplay if that's what you'd prefer). We'll have some discussions about all the fangirly feels we're experience, play some games and eat some British food (if you have a favorite British snack, feel free to bring it to share!). Their may even be a craft or two... 

Hope to see you there!

March Madness

So every March we indulge in a little madness. Coinciding with some basketball thing, we (the Teen Advisory group and I) choose a bunch of books/characters/genres and make YOU vote for your favorites! It's great fun! This year we chose alphabetically. 1 book per letter of the alphabet. Keep an eye out for the display that'll be coming very soon! This is a great chance to find some new books and to prove how great your own favorites are!

Poetry Contest

As you probably know, April is National Poetry Month! Wait, you didn't know that? Well, now you do and you can impress all of your friends with that nugget of trivia. Anyway. Every year we have a Poetry Contest. It's open for 8-18 year olds and there are prizes! We accept entries the entire month of April and have an Awards Ceremony/Poetry Reading on Friday May 2 at 4:45. 

I'm also in talks with Mrs. Torrefranca at FHS to do a National Poetry Writing Month program. NaPoWriMo is a challenge where you try to write a poem a day for the entire month of April! If you think you're interested, stay tuned!


P.S. Do you always mean to come to library programs but forget when they happen? I can fix that! Just text @yaprograms to     (516) 342-4409 to sign up for text message reminders!


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