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Post-Thanksgiving Post

:) Did you like my pun there? I love bad jokes.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I know I did, I love cooking with my mom, I love eating, I love taking family pictures, I especially LOVE cranberry sauce and PIE, and I even kinds love washing dishes (don't laugh!) so Thanksgiving is pretty much an ideal holiday for me. This year it was also my grandma's birthday so I got to talk to her on the phone for an hour. Well...maybe talk isn't the word I should use, listen is better since my grandma likes to ramble on and on. Remind you of anyone you know? :)

Leave a comment to tell me about any fun traditions you have on Thanksgiving? My sister reenacted the funny commercial where the grandpa eats a scoop out of the pumpkin pie and then fills it in with cool whip!

Hope everyone also survived the insanity of Black Friday! I ventured out late that evening when it had died down, but I didn't buy much, just an awesome cd and my sister bought a wonderful documentary:

awesome cd and inspirational documentary check 'em out!

Okay, back to book related stuff! Meg Cabot posted this link in her blog, it's really helpful when you're looking for a new author to read, just type in an author you like and it gives you a cluster of other authors that are similar. The closer the author is to your author's name, the more similar. Personally, I just like watching the names dance around! :D

I've missed you guys and can't wait to see you!


Anonymous said…
I absolutely love Matt Nathanson! "Still" is now one of my favorite songs ever!
Anonymous said…
Uh,Sti? Isn't it your grandmothers b-day EVERY year? And is the person we're supposed to be reminded of rambling on and on you? Hmm, I dunno. You don't ramble... most of the time. I like pie too! I didn't go shopping on Black Friday... I went on Black Thursday! Tee hee, that was a bad joke. I meant I went the day before Thanksgiving. I do like your pun. Taa! Julie!
Christina Hicks said…
Julie, you're right my grandma's birthday is every year, but it doesn't always fall on Thanksgiving! :) Glad to hear I don't ramble on too much...

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