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Questions about your reading habits!

Here's a quick survey I took about my reading habits, I'd love to hear your answers to these questions! Leave yours in the comments or email them to me and I'll post it here!

Do you snack while you read? If so, favorite reading snack?

Sometimes, I usually eat breakfast while I read in the morning. If I can use a meal as an excuse to read I will.

Do you tend to mark your books as you read, or does the idea of writing in books horrify you?
If they are mine I usually don’t hesitate to make notes if I really love the book. My copy of Jane Eyre is all marked up! I also like finding notes in other books, it’s fun to see what people are thinking as they read. Might sound odd, but it’s a totally different thing then someone defacing a book.

How do you keep your place while reading a book? Bookmark? Dog-ears? Laying the book flat open?
Like Nicola, whatever is lying around, though I am guilty of laying a book upside down *gasp*

Fiction, Non-fiction, or both?

Mostly fiction. I find myself intrigued by non-fiction a lot of time, but I can rarely find the time or energy to get all the way through them. There are notable exceptions however.

Hard copy or audiobooks?
I prefer hardcopy but I also love a good audiobook, especially for long car trips or when you’re moving around a lot. I *love* Playaways!

Are you a person who tends to read to the end of chapters, or are you able to put a book down at any point?

I’m the type that tells themselves they will stop at the chapter but forgets and stops halfway through the next chapter 

If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop to look it up right away?
I rarely if never look up a word, context is usually enough. This is why I know what most words mean but couldn’t put it into words for you. :P

What are you currently reading?

Just finished a few books so now I’m about to begin The Season by Sarah MacLean and Blood Price by Tanya Huff

What is the last book you bought?

Bought? Ooh tough one, I rarely buy books…oh! Sacred Hearts by Sarah Dunant after I heard her speak at the International Book Festival in Edinburgh (and I got her to sign it as well!)

Are you the type of person that only reads one book at a time or can you read more than one at a time?
I usually have at least 2 or 3 books going at one time.

Do you have a favorite time of day and/or place to read?

No. I start at breakfast at the dining room table and end in bed sprawled out under covers. I read in the car, while walking across the library, in lines, during commercial breaks of tv shows. I even used to read while walking across my University’s campus on the way to class..

Do you prefer series books or stand alone books?

I love both, though a series can be a daunting thing to commit to, they’re fun to follow through and wait for the next installments.

Is there a specific book or author that you find yourself recommending over and over?

Neil Gaiman, Maureen Johnson, Suzanne Collins, Cassandra Clare… I can go on and on. Recommending books is part of my job description…

How do you organize your books? (By genre, title, author’s last name, etc.?)
At home I have 3 different sets of bookshelves, mostly they are hodgepodge wherever I find free shelf space. But my Very Favorite Books have their own bookshelves and they are arranged thusly: Fiction- alphabetical by author’s last name and then by title name Nonfiction- vague Dewey Decimal (again, this is because I’m a librarian and I know the numbers basically by heart..)


Image courtesy of: moriza


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